Masonry & Tuckpointing Facts

Best Masonry Restoration & Tuckpointing Repair Experts

Signs Your Masonry Needs Tuckpointing
Masonry problems can be recognized and addressed early before more significant issues have the chance to develop. While the need to have your home tuckpointed can be identified simply by looking at the structure and brickwork, this is not always the case. Our masonry contractors in Chicago may need to use a unique tool to scrape the bricks to determine if the mortar cracks or is otherwise decomposing. When you have an older home, cleaning the bricks with a pressure washer set too low may be necessary to clean the dirt so that the mortar joints can be better assessed. Make sure to set your power washer on the highest setting because this can further damage the mortar.

How It’s Done
When you prefer the do-it-yourself way and want to attempt tuckpointing your home in Chicago, you will need to know the basics. This way, you can determine if it is something you feel comfortable doing or if you should hire professional tuckpointing contractors in the area. To repair a damaged mortar, you will need to remove the affected portions by not damaging the bricks during the process. You will need to remove the amount of motor to coincide with the amount of new mortar that you will be reapplying to ensure that everything fits in the way it initially did before removing the damaged mortar. When you are unsure of this process, our masonry contractors in Chicago are here to help.

Once the damaged mortar is removed, the empty space needs to be cleaned and prepared so that the fresh mortar can be put in. Before adding the new mortar, you will need to make sure that it matches both strength and color from the mortar you previously removed. If you are not sure how to match the new to the old, a professional can conduct specific tests to determine which type of mortar you need to complete the job properly. If you need professional help, our masonry restoration company in Chicago is here for you.

How Often You Should Tuckpointing
One of the most asked homeowners’ questions is how often they should have a tuckpointing done in their home. Our expert tuckpointing contractors in Chicago explain that the cracks, voids, crumbling mortar, or even mortar areas from settling or foundation problems are common in masonry work from general exposure to the elements after 25 to 30 years. Regardless of the time frame, if the mortar has large holes in it or is missing in certain areas, tuckpointing should be considered.

When your home shows signs of mortar damage, make sure to call our masonry contractors in Chicago to get the job done. Many masonry professionals will come to your home and provide you with free inspections of the structure.

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